Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Week of Blessings

What an absolutely marvelous week I just had!  As many of you are aware, my favorite radio station had their annual fundraiser, which they call "sharathon."  I love their daily programming - the Biblical preaching, Christ-centered music, & other programs.  Yet, even though they take a short break from most of the programs, I also love their sharathon!

My love for the WCTS Sharathon really began back in 2000 when my family started homeschooling.  It was the first time I'd had the chance to hear it during the day, and it was a delight to hear the conversations of the different radio personalities uninterrupted by anything but music.  Added to that, we were also able to schedule a field trip down to the station during the sharathon.... And now, for the last 3 years, I've had the wonderful opportunity of being down at the station every day of their fundraisings, which has led to volunteering in other ways throughout the year as well!

There is so much to enjoy about volunteering there: working with the WCTS staff, speaking with the guest speakers who come in, hearing from other listeners & taking their comments, and in general just staying busy helping the station.  This year, it was also fun to hear my siblings give the station phone numbers on the air live!  I didn't know about it ahead of time, so it was quite the surprise when I heard their little voices!  (As it turns out, they didn't know ahead of time, either... they had come in to see me, and were asked if they could read the numbers on the sheet of paper in front of them. Next thing they knew, they were on the air!)

Yet, if one was to ask me what was the apex of Sharathon 2010 (and every other sharathon as well), I would say that it is seeing how the Lord meets the needs of a ministry that seeks to please Him each & every moment of the day.  The daily goal was exceeded a few times, and other times it was close. Those times were so exciting!  But it's not really the excitement I'm talking about - it's seeing how God's people are responding to what He has laid on their hearts.  That's one reason that I can confidently say that we know the Lord will provide even though the overall goal wasn't quite met.  People don't need to pledge during sharathon; they can give whenever it's put on their hearts.  Or maybe the Lord has something else entirely in His mind.  I don't know.  However, I do know, and this is my other reason, that when the Lord is for something, nothing can hinder it!  And it's a thrill to watch His plan come together.


O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

~ Romans 11:33-36 ~



P.S. If you would like to read more, check out


Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Soul's Sunshine

It's been a good summer for us so far, even though it hasn't been an easy summer. I know that it might even seem odd to some that I can walk around with a smile on my face and a song spilling forth from my heart.

(For those who may not know, my parents, siblings, and I have lived with my dad's mom for almost the past 10 years, taking care of the needs she has had due to Alzheimer's Disease. But Grandma [or "Grammy" as my littlest siblings call her] has not had an easy time physically for quite some time, especially since early summer. Soon, yet oh-so-slowly, August was upon us. On the 24th her suffering ended when she went to be with her Saviour Jesus Christ ... and so peacefully too, without any pain or agitation, not even needing any medications to assist her comfort level.)

So, in the midst of a time of pain & grief, I can see why others might not understand. But it's because we have so much to thank & praise the Lord for, that I can carry on as I do. As I alluded to in the paragraph above, our greatest comfort & confidence is knowing that Grammy is now with our Lord, because there was a time when she put her personal trust in Jesus Christ alone. It's also wonderful to know that she's now reunited with my grandfather & other loved ones as well, including her twin sister, and no longer confused nor mostly blind & deaf. Also, there are so many answered prayers to think back upon, and the way we have already been able to reach out to family & friends has been a joy. Now, our greatest desire & prayer is that all glory & honor would go to our Lord Jesus Christ, and that our friends & loved ones would come to know His saving grace.

I know we'll all miss her. Indeed, we already do! There have already been so many times I've thought of her, anticipating her needing something, or expecting to hear her clear her throat to get our attention. And yet, if you could see me now, you'd also know that I'm not sorrowing my days away. Instead, you would see my heart is full with a deep, resounding, peace-filled joy ... and yes, a smile to fill my face.

With that in mind, I'd like to share a hymn that I've always enjoyed, and now has become extra special to me over the summer.

Sunshine in My Soul
Eliza Hewitt
There's sunshine in my soul today, more glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly way, for Jesus is my light.
Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul.
There's music in my soul today, a carol to my King,
And Jesus, listening can hear the songs I cannot sing.
Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul.
There's springtime in my soul today, for when the Lord is near
The dove of peace sings in my heart, the flowers of grace appear.
Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul.
There's gladness in my soul today, and hope and praise and love,
For blessings which He gives me now, for joys "laid up" above.
Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul.